Plan A
Plan A is an engaging, brief, entertainment-education video intervention designed to reduce unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young women.
Plan A is an evidence-based intervention. It has been proven effective through rigorous evaluation to reduce behavioral risk factors underlying teenage pregnancy, and other associated risk factors. The intervention has been approved for replication by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs (OPA).
Plan A has been proven effective through rigorous evaluation to reduce behavioral risk factors underlying teenage pregnancy, and other associated risk factors.
Plan A is a 23-minute, entertainment-education video intervention designed to reduce unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among African-American and Latina young women ages 18–19. It was developed through a grant from the Office of Population Affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of Plan A found that the intervention was effective at reducing behavioral risk factors underlying teenage pregnancy. Outcomes observed among Plan A viewers included: increased STI and HIV testing, increased contraceptive knowledge, increased HIV/STI risk perception, lower frequency of unprotected sex, and increased long-acting reversible contraception use among new clinic visitors. Plan A viewers were also more likely to discuss a range of sexual health topics with providers.