IN*clued Youth Workshop
Youth Curriculum Overview, Learning Outcomes, and Assessments
The IN·clued Youth Curriculum is intended to be delivered in one 3-hour workshop. However, it may be divided into shorter sections across multiple days to suit the needs of the participant group. Facilitators should be trained sex educators. This curriculum is best co-facilitated by two or more facilitators.
The following Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, and Assessments are elements of the Understanding by Design (UbD) pedagogical framework. Enduring Understandings are intended to be the “big ideas” that participants leave the workshop with. The Essential Questions are questions the participants should be able to answer by the end of the workshop. The Assessments are the ways in which the facilitator can assess participants’ learning; these usually map to the activities used in the workshop, and are not always simply tests or assessment worksheets.
Enduring Understandings:
- There are pregnancy and STD prevention options for me as part of an LGBTQ community that I can access and use correctly.
- I can access and advocate for sexual health care that meets my needs.
Essential Questions:
- What unique sexual health risks do LGBTQ young people have?
- How can LGBTQ young people protect themselves from STDs and/or unintended pregnancy?
- How can I advocate for myself while accessing sexual health care?
- What actions will I take to support my sexual health?
EQ 1: Participants will draw connections between sexual health disparities facing LGBTQ young people and their health, explore their personal understanding of what “sex” can be, and articulate the sexual behaviors in which LGBTQ youth could engage that would put them at risk for unwanted pregnancy and STD transmission through three activities: Why Us?, Let's Talk About Sex!, IN·clued Video and VideoDebrief.
EQ 2: Participants will practice the methods for protecting themselves from unintended pregnancy and STDs, and reflect on the importance of using protection and accessing